

OMNIA VOCO 8 音頻處理器


VOCO 8 is the world’s first voice processor with:

hhMultiband processing

hhStudio grade mic preamps with phantom power

hhEight line-level inputs

hh“Dominate-It” powered voice processor, where the host mic

can always be the dominant voice.

hh“Session Recall” for convenience

hhLivewire/AES67 support

Omnia VOCO 8 is adaptable to all different voice characteristics.

From “natural tone” to “big”, everything is possible in just a few

clicks. Plus, in advanced mode, the Omnia VOCO 8 is also the perfect

tool for production studios.

石景山区| 巩义市| 台州市| 孝感市| 丰顺县| 哈巴河县| 兴山县| 长治县| 清流县| 昭觉县| 辉县市| 库伦旗| 建宁县| 清水河县| 上思县| 云和县|